Puntland: Home away from home
Door: Sahro Ahmed
Blijf op de hoogte en volg Sahro Ahmed Koshin
12 December 2008 | Somalië, Mogadishu
It is now almost a year ago that I´d set out with my ‘development gear’ to the Puntland State of Somalia, full of incalculable enthusiasm and passion. I wanted to have a first hand taste of the land i could never have known and for the opportunity to exercise the skills and competences i had been trained in as a humanitarian worker. I’d set out to ‘help my people’ and in my own way contribute to the process and pace of the Development discourse.
In that one year much has happened; I grew both personally and professionally in many ways than one. I have met so many wonderful people especially Somali iron-women whose deeply-anchored desire and passion for social change still ring echoes of comfort and hope to my ears and heart.
In that one year much has happened and I visited many towns like Galkacyo, Garowe, Bossasso and Qhardo. In the picturs below and in the previous articles (berichten)you will find some of my impressions of the landscape,the people and bio-diversity.
But I also became homesick for the land I am still willing to remember
The land I hope to have lived in, the land where falseness did not exist
And where people trusted each other
I am homesick for the place that was full of laughter
Of clinking coffee cups and spoons made of silver
I miss to drink hot chocolate milk and chamomile tea from my happy mug
I miss to be engrossed in my 300 books and ride on my old bike
I miss to be enveloped with the scenes that I love so well
I miss to hear the birds joyously sing my name
I miss the love and warmth of my family and friends
I am homesick for the eyes and the look I knew so well
I am homesick for hands that stroked my face and put braids and ribbons in my hair
I am homesick for the stories
Told to me at night by my nieces and nephews telling me
Of the soup and pancakes they cooked at school
And the paintings they drew of flowers and old cheese
And listening while wrapped in a blanket
To the story of how the chicken wrestled the elephant
And how the chicken had to run and buy butter to do that
I am homesick for listening to the news on the radio
In languages that I understood
And that did not worry me or made me anxious
To Dutch humor that sometimes made me laugh
I am homesick for theater and comedies and commercials
Instead of smoke, suicide bombs and dead children
And grinning politicians saying we need the war
I am homesick for the time when we loved each other
Without thinking of being used
I am homesick for the time when I wanted life to move faster
I am homesick for the time
When I was too innocent to see the signs of betrayal
For the time when I did not see the signs
Of what is bound to happen sooner or later
I am homesick for the time when I had not seen it all before
I am homesick for peace, carelessness and warmth
12 December 2008 - 12:00
Rolien Vd Belt:
wow wat heb je dat mooi geschreven, respect!
dikke knuffel van ons alle vier uit Hoogeveen -
12 December 2008 - 12:15
Emilia Mecheva :
My dear Sahro,
apperantly you are doing the most of your life being dedicated to social change and spreading your knowledge in a place where it is most needed. I'm proud of you, girl, and the poem you wrote is just beautiful.
Hugs and kisses,
12 December 2008 - 13:00
Hey sis, wow beautiful words and very poetic. YOu are doing an amazing change, am sure everyone misses you like crazy. -
12 December 2008 - 13:14
Norman Shitote:
OK, keep up the good work. It speaks loudest. -
12 December 2008 - 13:57
Chris Koopmans :
Dear Sahro,
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. If it is not to bold of me to say.... You are a strong, beautifull women and you have done so much to look up to. I always look forward to all your adventures, even if to me they might seem exotic and exciting. I can only imagine how hard it is to do and see what you see and do. i hope love from your friends and family will bring you comfort. Happy Holidays.
12 December 2008 - 14:56
Nice to hear from you. I am pleased you are enjoying your stay in Somalia despite the chaos and insecurity all around. Your stay I am sure comforts many desparate and poor families who for no faults of their own have endured lots of suffering. Many of which are perpertrated by somalis themselves. Hope peace returns to somalia. -
12 December 2008 - 16:32
Lief (ex-)buurvrouwtje,
I miss you too!! Very Much!!!!
Hoewel we lang niet hebben geschreven denk ik regelmatig aan je en vraag me af hoe het met je gaat...
Wat heb je je gevoelens weer prachtig op papier gezet. Ik kan me heel goed voorstellen dat je af en toe vreselijk heimwee kan hebben naar die totaal andere wereld die je ook zo goed kent..
Ik heb enorm respect wat je allemaal doet. Je bent een supergaaf en prachtig mens. Ik ben bij je in gedachten, en met mij velen. En kijk uit naar de dag dat ik je weer een BIG HUG kan geven en we samen rooibos thee me honing drinken, zelfgemaakte enjeera met rood vlees ;) (of stampot boerenkool, ook prima), eindeloos kunnen bijkletsen en vooral heel veel lachen en genieten van het samenzijn...
Heel veel liefs en sterkte in moeilijke tijden van een grote fan en vriendin.
Big Big Hug
Josine -
12 December 2008 - 16:58
Hey mooie Sahro,
I love your poem. Voor mij ben jij zo'n krachtige vrouw die je in je gedicht beschrijft. Ik hoop dat je je inner stength blijft behouden en dat alle oorlogen en gruwel deze niet teveel overschaduwen. Gelukkig zijn er altijd en overal ook mooie dingen te vinden en één daarvan ben jijzelf!
Z. -
12 December 2008 - 17:28
Lieve Sahro,
Wat een prachtige gedicht. Het is zo Sahro, hoe jij je gevoelens op papier kan zetten.
Ik kan me heel goed voorstellen dat je heimwee hebt, maar tegelijkertijd weet ik ook dat je het best van maakt voor jezelf, maar vooral voor de vrouwen daar.
Er is helaas veel ellende in onze land, ik hoop en bid dat het snel voorbij is, zodat niet weer andere generatie verloren gaat. Ik hoop voor educatie, gezondheidszorg, zonder armoede, zonder uitzichtloze situatie met veel geweld en zonder corruptie.
Hou vol. Ik ben trots op je, meid.
xxx Fatima
12 December 2008 - 18:19
De Gonzag:
We zijn trots op je! We zitten achter je met steun. Ga door en veel succes. -
12 December 2008 - 19:16
You are an amazing writer!! I hope you don't feel hopeless because you do inspire positive change. You are truly one of the most motivating people I have ever met. Being an anthropologist isn't easy but hang in there :) -
13 December 2008 - 06:29
Abdullahi Aden:
Hi Sahro,
Groetjes uit Den Haag. ikzelf heb ivm project-QUEST van UNDP- Somalia 10 maanden (feb-sept. 2008) in Mogadishu gewerkd. Misschien ga ik eind januari '09 weer terug mits de situatie van TFG niet verder zich verslecht.
Hoe lang blijf je er nog weg? We houden contact. Nabadgalyo.
13 December 2008 - 06:30
Imoh Colins:
"The whole world is a door of liberation, but people are unwilling to enter it!" Hui - Wu ( Chinese Buddist Philosopher)
13 December 2008 - 06:31
Laura Reiman :
hee sahro good to hear from you!!!! I looked at ALL you pictures, wow! I am actually sick of being here for too long and can't wait to travel to south america again. hope to see you some day again before I leave haha! love, laura
13 December 2008 - 13:22
Fatima Koshin:
o dat was echt mooi ik kreeg gewoon tranen het was schiterend.
en bergrijp dat je ergmoelijk hebt vooral omdatjij in somalie bent en wij in nederland
het is echt een heel eind.
maar je gedicht was hartberovend
ik mis je wijallemaal missen jou extreem veel
maar groetjes van thuis
je dear familie -
13 December 2008 - 16:09
Khadisja Koshin:
My beloved Sister,
Ik krijg tranen van dit gedicht Sahro echt mooie net als de andere gedichten natuurlijk.
Nog paar maanden kom je terug inshallah ik kan niet wachten.
love you very much my sister.
*kisses* Khadisja, -
15 December 2008 - 10:07
Mohamud Abass:
What else can i say. You've summarized everyting in a poem. Good luck with your carrier. -
15 December 2008 - 10:17
Mahdi Ali Osman:
Thank you very much for your committment to assist your people. Thanks for the good news that you strugling to improve the capacity of your people. We realy highly appreciate your effort.
I have seen all your pictures and pictures of many other People I know.
best regards -
15 December 2008 - 12:43
Thanks so much Sahro, for this striking poem. I am so interested in how you will continue your humanitarian work with the Somalian people. Please keep us updated and provide a window for us to see something of Somalia. -
17 December 2008 - 11:20
Sah, come to us quick!!
Love u lots -
17 December 2008 - 11:22
Gerda Dommerholt :
Dear Sahro, what a beautiful poem about Holland where the weather is grey, and rainy. Where people are hiding insite, but where at least they do not have to be afraid of kidnapping, bombing, money coming in, etc. That will be the difference. And that is a big difference!
Hope you ar oké. Where are you now?
With a lot of warm love!
Gerda -
17 December 2008 - 20:45
Lieve Sahro.
Wat onverwacht om zo van je te lezen. Het lijkt of je een enorme initiatie hebt ondergaan, en dat je je hier niet op voorbereid voelde. Hier is de sfeer zo hard aan het veranderen, dat ik me afvraag of het land waarnaar je heimwee voelt nog wel bestaat. Ik maak me grote zorgen. Had ik nog hoop op een goede afloop toen we bij Prof. Salomon in de collegebanken zaten, momenteel voel ik een onderstroom waarvan de haren me rechtovereind gaan staan. Ik werk nu weer in mijn oude beroep, als verpleegkundige. Ik werk in de wijk en zie hie laagje voor laagje de mensen die niet meer mee kunnen in deze 'samenleving' bij het grofvuil aan de kant van de weg gezet worden. Het kan altijd werger en vergelijken heeft geen nut, maar de beweging naareen wereld waar geen zorg meer gedragen wordt is zo zichtbaar; ik gruwel. Heb je nog contact met de UNOY??, en met Gabi???
Ik ga je nu heel veel Licht op je pad sturen, en hoop dat je heimwee kan transformeren naar dat goede gevoel van Liefde die aan geen plaats gebonden is.
Ik mis jou ook, mooie vrouw. Heel veel kracht voor jou.
Irene -
29 December 2008 - 13:30
Jan Ruyssenaars:
Dear Sahro,
We miss you here as well. Feelings like homesickness and need for warmth and love do exist and I feel rich that yoyu share them. They can last rather long as well, and that can be bothersome. Is there any chance that you can have a break and can come over some time in near future? Welcome you are,
jan -
18 Januari 2009 - 13:47
Caroline Mol (PDOO):
Dear Sahro,
Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts with us.
Wish you all the best.
Caroline -
19 Januari 2009 - 00:44
Laila Koshin:
hey sis it's been along time just wanna let you know that we all love you so much please call me when you can
your loving sister and nieces -
04 Februari 2009 - 06:02
Karin W:
Dear Sahro,
It pains me to see you so homesick to our ‘kikkerlandje’. I hope that since you’ve wrote the message above things are going better and you can hold on to the positive things that hopefully also happen around you. You are such an incredible strong woman and I am sure you will always stay that way. It is also a sign of strength to show your feelings and things you long for. I pray that one day soon we will be together again, drinking hot chocolate and making fun of Stijn (if he hasn’t disappeared to another African country by then!).
But for the time being: close your eyes and pretend we are at Radboud University Campus sitting in front of the CultuurCafe. It is cold, but the sun is shining and the sky is blue. The trees are still bare, but here and there we can see tiny green leafs of life. Deeply tugged in to our winter coats and scarves we hold on to our cups of hot chocolate with our gloved hands while we talk about our dreams of the future.
Take good care of yourself my fellow UNer!
All the best and lots of love,
06 Februari 2009 - 05:25
Alfreda :
You are missed by so many people. I saw you latest before Christmas here in Nairobi when you came to see me, and yet I miss you already. Your poem is so touching. Please keep writing so that we know how you are fairing.
How was your trip?
Nairobi, kenya -
13 Februari 2009 - 20:55
Hi Sahro,
Great website, I will be back and take the time to surf around.
Talk to you.
Lapalo k.a Mark -
19 Februari 2009 - 11:17
Mohamed MSD:
You have done the best keep going, -
28 Maart 2009 - 12:42
Sahra Koshin,
ASC, thank you for inspiring us with your pictures and stories.
B. -
30 Maart 2009 - 18:14
Abdirizak S.H:
Ina axmed Hirsi Koshin, you are an amazing lady,,,i was reading the past articles,the eygpt safari was an energizer i tink -
31 Maart 2009 - 00:41
Macaanto KK...i saw the interview...ur somali was perfectooo..lools!!
call me asap!!
maac maac
N -
31 Maart 2009 - 00:41
Macaanto KK...i saw the interview...ur somali was perfectooo..lools!!
call me asap!!
maac maac
N -
31 Maart 2009 - 19:41
Abdikhadar M.A:
Sah, really you are doing a great job. I liked the galkacyo pictures very much...
Will call you..
waa walaalka A.M:A
07 April 2009 - 08:32
Sadia Awkah:
Hi Sahra:
It is great pleasure to read that you are doing something amazing for our people. I am so proud of you and keep up the good work! -
08 April 2009 - 15:40
Yassin Koshin:
abaayo we r so proud of you..
i will call u
11 April 2009 - 00:39
Sahro Ahmed Koshin :
thank u all for the lovely comments!!
love u all! mwah xxxx -
11 April 2009 - 00:50
Sahro Ahmed Koshin :
thank u all for the lovely comments!!
love u all! mwah xxxx -
28 April 2009 - 14:14
run ahaantii xusus ayaad nagu reebatay aad ayaan ugu faraxsanahay waxaasa aad ugu farxay doobtaha canaaha lagu cabayo dadka dhan hatagee dhulkoodii oo sidaa o kale sawiro hoowga soo qadeen -
28 April 2009 - 15:43
Abdurashid Ali:
I wonder if those few men the writer mention on her article have any power to make a peace. Do they have any control over in Somalia? Do they know what they want and how to get it?
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